Start removing carbon today

Sign-up to one of our monthly subscriptions and join a community of Reewilders helping to fight climate change.
  • Apprentice

    Ideal for anyone looking to contribute and do their bit for nature.
    1 year of 🌳 planting = 365k phone charges removed 🔌
    • ✓
      10 trees * per month
      120 trees per year = 3 tonnes of CO2e removed through your subscription
    • ✓
      Personalised CO2 tracker
      Track the carbon footprint of your daily transactions
    • ✗
      Exclusive offers & rewards
      From low impact or regenerative producers (note: all products fall within your personal daily carbon budget, set by the IPCC)
    • ✗
      Up to 40% off products
      At selected retailers
  • Master

    Perfect plan to neutralize the emissions of an average UK citizen.
    1 year of 🌳 planting = 15,000 miles by car removed 🚗 💨
    • ✓
      20 trees * per month
      240 trees per year = 6 tonnes of CO2e removed through your subscription
    • ✓
      Personalised CO2 tracker
      Track the carbon footprint of your daily transactions
    • ✓
      Exclusive offers & rewards
      From low impact or regenerative producers (Note: all products fall within your personal daily carbon budget, set by the IPCC)
    • ✗
      Up to 40% off products
      At selected retailers
  • Legend

    For frequent flyers or those wanting to do more to restore nature.
    1 year of 🌳 planting = 12 long haul flights removed ✈️
    • ✓
      60 trees * per month
      720 trees per year = 18 tonnes of CO2 removed through your subscription
    • ✓
      Personalised CO2 tracker
      Track the carbon footprint of your daily transactions
    • ✓
      Exclusive offers & rewards
      From low impact or regenerative producers (Note: all products fall within your personal daily carbon budget, set by the IPCC)
    • ✓
      Up to 40% off products
      At selected retailers