Issue #97: Distrust and disinformation

published on 31 July 2024

Our Top Stories

Distrust in climate claims: Edie reports on a new survey from the Conscious Advertising Network (CAN), which asked participants whether they trust businesses to follow science-based recommendations to reduce their climate impact. Most respondents believe companies only base climate targets and strategies on science when it suits them. With greenwashing also on the rise, just 9% of those surveyed trust brands to accurately portray their climate commitments and progress. What’s clear is that current approaches to green claims aren’t working, with a desperate need for brand transparency and an overhaul of outdated climate messaging standards. [Edie]

People are concerned that climate disinformation is leading to scepticism about climate change. This is also creating a feeling of distrust when it comes to green claims. Image source: CAN
People are concerned that climate disinformation is leading to scepticism about climate change. This is also creating a feeling of distrust when it comes to green claims. Image source: CAN

Technology and greener lives: TechZone360 highlights the significant benefits of mobile applications that help build greener behaviours. However, developing eco-apps is not without its challenges. Designing engaging and user-friendly interfaces is crucial if we are to sustain a shift in habits, and data must be reliable for insights to be effective for the end user. Yet, as AI progresses and these challenges are overcome, there is unlimited potential for apps to change societal behaviour in the long term. [TechZone360]

Business Spotlight - Ben & Jerry’s

In its first wide-scale campaign in over ten years, the ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s has launched its new promotion, ‘Make Some Motherchunkin’ Change’. The initiative features photos of activists who’ve made impactful statements at protests around the world, including groups of people taking to the street to raise awareness about the climate crisis. Ben & Jerry’s Global Head of Integrated Marketing, Jay Curley, said: ‘As a society, we’re facing big challenges, and we’re inspired by people who see it as an opportunity to create community, build power, and work for collective change’. [Thred]

Image source: Ben & Jerry's
Image source: Ben & Jerry's

The Big Picture

The UK’s climate stripes show the average temperature change each year from 1884 to 2023, based on the average temperature between 1961 and 2010. #ShowYourStripes Day was on Friday, June 21st. Image source: Show Your Stripes
The UK’s climate stripes show the average temperature change each year from 1884 to 2023, based on the average temperature between 1961 and 2010. #ShowYourStripes Day was on Friday, June 21st. Image source: Show Your Stripes

About Reewild

At Reewild, we’re all about Building Greener Behaviours, and since our inception we’ve been developing innovative tools and solutions that help to further this goal.

Whether it’s helping people to monitor and reduce their carbon footprint, running campaigns that reward participants for making greener choices, or empowering consumers to make their grocery shop cheaper, easier, and greener - our purpose remains laser focussed. To inspire and cater to the 76% of people who recognise the need to take action on the climate but don’t follow through due to competing priorities.

To support this community, our goal is to reframe climate action in a way that eliminates trade-offs and builds in genuine personal benefits – such as time and money savings.

Our ambition is to inspire a green revolution in consumer habits, influencing business practices in the process, and building a more sustainable future for all.

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